1.       How accurate is the location mapped?
While GPS and smart phone technology has continuously improved in recent years, the accuracy of the location identified on your device can vary depending on a number of factors relating to satellite, wifi signal and cell tower positions.  With the current technology, one can expect GPS to be accurate within 5-30 meters.  The GPS signal related to the location identified in your search will put you in the approximate area of the grave you are looking for – in some cases it may lead you very close to the grave; in other situations you may have to do some visual checks but you will be the right area.

2.       I know the person I am searching for was buried in the cemetery but the Search Results returned "No Results"
There are a couple of scenarios that would lead to a "No results" search:

a.       The deceased’s surname was spelled incorrectly – make sure you have the spelling correct (Note: the search fields are not case sensitive but are character sensitive) 

b.      If you have entered the full first name of the deceased, again make sure the name is spelled correctly.  If you still get a "No results" try using only the first letter of the first name

c.       If there is a space in the surname e.g. De Sousa, Van Horne, etc. try searching the surname with the space removed e.g. the deceased’s surname is De Sousa, try Desousa

d.      In some instances the deceased has been moved, at the request of the family to another cemetery outside of Mount Pleasant Group organization.  In this instance you will get a "No results" answer.  Please contact the cemetery office and they can help identify where the deceased was relocated.

3.       The Year of Death indicated on the Search Results and Information Details pages for the person I am searching is incorrect.
Our records do not actually capture the date of death, rather we capture the date the deceased was buried or entombed in the cemetery.  Generally this date is very close to the date of death.  In a few cases, at the request of the family the deceased may have been moved to another grave or crypt at a later date.  Our records would be revised to indicate the new burial or entombment date.  So, for example if an individual was buried in 1991 and moved to another grave in 2005, the year of death indicated in the Search Results and Information Detail pages would reflect 2005, even though the deceased died in 1991.

4.       What does the "Show Layers" do?
When you click on the Land Map icon on the Search Result page a map identifying the location of the grave appears. The Show Layers checkbox option appears above the map in the left corner. When the box is checked an overlay representing the surveyed graves appears (if it doesn’t please see the next FAQ). The feature has been added to provide an additional reference point to assist you with finding the specific grave you are searching. For example, you can pick a landmark on the map (e.g. an intersection on the road) and count the number of rows and graves from the landmark to the target grave.

5.       I checked the Show Layers box but nothing happened.
In a few instances the Show Layers feature will not function. The reason for this relates to limitations Google has set on their Google Maps platform. If the number of data points (in our case, graves) exceeds a specified level the points will not be displayed.  An example where this occurs is at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Some of the defined sections at the cemetery are very large and the number of graves exceeds the limits permitted by Google Maps. 

An alternative approach to try is viewing in Hybrid map mode. The Hybrid view offers a satellite image of the area and should provide additional visual landmarks as you zoom in to gauge the location of the grave you are searching for.

6.       What does the "Direction Finder" do?
When you click on the Land Map icon on the Search Result page a map identifying the location of the grave appears. The Directional Finder link appears above the map in the left corner beside the Show Layers option. When clicked, the Directional Finder will open a Google Maps page with Starting Point and Destination input fields. The Destination field will be pre-filled with the grave location associated with your search. Enter your location in the Starting Point field and Google will provide directions to the grave you searched. If you are using a GPS enabled mobile device, Google will give you the option of selecting "your location" as the starting point.

Search Tips

1.       Make sure all names are spelled correctly.

2.       If there are spaces in the deceased’s surname try entering the name without a space.

3.       If your search returned multiple results, use the Refine Search Further field to filter results further by entering the full first name (if not already done), the Year of Burial or an Age help to identify the correct individual you’re are looking for. Multiple filters are permissible when simply separated by a space e.g. Frederick 1948 83